I really have so many different interests, I find it difficult to start writing. Stream of conscience is hard. I always want to know why. I always need to know what the effects of my words will be before I say them. I'm a careful, tight man.
Why "On the South Side of Saint Louis"? Because my neighborhood is a part of me. I am it and it is me. Like my father and his father. If I'm not at work or at home, you'll find me at the church around the corner. That's where I was baptized, and that's where I plan and dream about making life better for those who live around me.
I thought I might ramble a bit as to how I arrived at this spot. Zillions of ideas flying through my brain at the same time as to how best to put borders on the one idea. Maybe I shouldn't try. Maybe that's what blogging is all about. I don't know.
Relatively Speaking
The term "relativism" gets thrown around too much these days. In the days following the election, relativism, as it relates to "values," was blamed for the liberals' loss. I think that's what some of them would like to think, but I, for one, don't buy it. This election was about security and terrorism and not much more.
Generally speaking we mean relativism to describe the lack of any absolute truth in reality. To generalize even more, I mean it to describe a large number of Americans who's grandparents believed in God and had a very clear notion of right and wrong, but they no longer do. Scientism and pantheism have crept into the psyche of modern Americans and Truth has become a quaint idea that only unenlightened folks hold on to. If your Grandmother believes the Bible is Truth, well that's fine, she's old and they didn't know any better in her day. Today, we know things that they didn't know back then; right?
Yes, that's...