More on the Beatles
I've been thinking a lot about the Beatles lately. They've been in the news of course because of the anniversary of the Ed Sullivan Show. I got out a copy of the movie Help! This afternoon and fast-forwarded to Hey! You've Got to Hide Your Love Away. I was practically in tears. I almost instinctively focused on John's mouth as he's singing as I imitated every inflection of every phrase. I still think he was one of the great Rock N Roll voices ever.
But the biggest thing that hits you is the 40 years! 40 years! Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson. And if you really want perspective think about 40 years before that! Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding and Wilson.
Of course, real perspective comes when ever I think that there's only two of the Beatles left alive. I guess that means I'm getting old too. I'll be 45 in a couple of weeks. As I mentioned earlier, I'm buying a Stratocaster. I've got a photo of George playing a ivory Strat on my desktop. The photo is from the Concert for Bangldesh.
The Beatles hold a strange place in my life now. I worshipped them when I was younger. When most rock bands were learning to the newest song from the Cars, I was still playing Beatles. But now, many years later, I worship only God. I've put things in perspective. God is great and I'm buying an ivory Strat.