Starting a new habit

I realized what I'm really trying to do is start a new habit. A writing habit. I've got plenty of bad ones, now I'm going to start a good one. Good as in constructive instead of destructive. Verbal communication has always been a challenge for me. Few people other than Annette would believe this. In fact, I said this in front of a group of about twenty people that I was teaching the other day and they said, "huh?" As we talked more about it though, I think most of us understood it better. Sandy Thompson said it like this: "We extroverts say whatever's on our mind all the time. It doesn't get processed first like with a typical introvert." She's right. When I stand before a group to talk, it's measured, reserved and careful. This comes off as being thoughtful and intelligent. I've learned through experience that my relationships with people are more intimate (and therefore more fulfilling) if I can be "more extroverted." In other words, say what's on my mind without measuring the effects it might have. In psycho-therapy they call this "being present."

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