The envelope formerly known as the envelope

I was watching a morning news show last week with an interview with Prince, or whatever his name his now. You know, Prince. I'm assuming they asked him about the Janet Jackson thing at the Super Bowl and the conversation edged into artists "pushing the envelope." They were speaking specifically about sexuality on stage or in videos, something Prince used to be known for. As he was speaking they would show some short clips of videos from today's hit songs. This is when he was asked, "what would be pushing the envelope today?" He said, "today not pushing the envelope would be pushing the envelope." Wow. I guess I should be making videos. I could do that. That got me thinking about my new guitar amplifier. It has twelve digital "signatures" built in. They digitally mimic the "envelope pushing" sounds of the rock guitar. The distortion, phase-shifter, flange etc., they all started with artists pushing their equipment to places it wasn't meant to be. And now, it's just a click away. So, in art, mimicking the pushing of the envelope isn't the same as actually pushing the envelope. I think Prince was right.

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