Alright all you hippies, yippies and beatniks. This Saturday nights the coffee house features "Oldies." You gotta come and sing along with us. 7:00 pm this Saturday night. Be there or be square. This got me thinking, just what is an "Oldie?" Last month we did Beatles; wasn't that Oldies? No, that was Beatles. It kind of goes back to an argument I was making in a previous blog entry. The Beatles were too serious. The Turtles, now that's Oldies. All those animal names. In case you didn't know the Beatles decided to make a play on words from Buddy Hollly's "Crickets" so the came up with Beatles spelled with the BEAT. So, we're going to do some Turtles, Monkees, Drifters, Hermits and maybe a little Elvis. Here's some '50's lingo for all you beatniks: Wowsville, daddy-o, cool daddy, good time, voodoosville, big daddy, wow, dig, crazy, hep, string me, allie oop, like way out man, coffee pad, bug me, hep cat, square, squaresville, man, kookie, swingin' , itsy bitsy, crazy pop. Can you think of any more? Don't make me embarass you, I wasn't born until 1959. Here's some more trivia for you: In 1954 (50 years ago!!) a House cost $22,000, our average income was $3,960, a new Ford cost $1548-$2415, a gallon of milk cost $.92, gas was $.21 a gallon, a loaf of bread was $.17, a Postage stamp was $.03, Swiss Cheese was $ .69 lb., American Cheese was $.55 lb., a T-Bone steak was $.95 lb., Del Monte Catsup (2) 14.oz bottles cost $.25, Post Grape Nuts cereal - 10 .oz pkg cost $.19, Clorox Bleach - 1/2 gal. was $.19, 20 gallon gas water heater would cost you $75 and a Semi-automatic Kenmore washer would run you $154.95. If you're cool enough: Rosemary Clooney had two hits in 1954 besides "Hey There." What were they?

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