I cannot write
I've decided that I really don't know how to write. I heard an interview with a woman named Lynn Truss today on NPR. She's written a book called Eats, Shoots and Leaves. It's about punctuation. Then I stumbled across this column from a guy named Paul Robinson. It too is about proper punctuation. I think it was a sign from God for me to try a little harder in my writing endeavors. The only reason I started this blog was to write regularly. So now when it gets a little tough I don't feel like it any more.
I remember my composition teacher in high-school when asked how long should a certain essay be, he would say, "however long it needs to be to say what you need to say." I always said to myself, "no extra words."
So, tonight, enjoy the links to the punctuation sites above. Also note the link to Andrew Sullivan over there on the right. He's the original blogger that kind of got everyone going. He's a good writer. And, I know I keep saying this, but if you need a shot of reality concerning the war in Iraq, check out the Iraq the Model blog.
The Panda eats shoots and leaves.
The Panda eats, shoots and leaves.
Woman, without her man, is nothing.
Woman! Without her, man is nothing.