I Love War

The ridiculous title is on behalf of all my liberal/moderate friends who may have considered voting for the President if it wasn't for the Iraqi War. In other words, that single issue is keeping them from voting for him. Whereas:
  1. Sometimes, war is a necessary evil
  2. Your freedom was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001 and they'd kill you and your children if they could
  3. A solution must be sought; doing nothing is not an option
  4. A strategy to establish a democratic stronghold in the Middle East is risky and ugly but it is the best option
  5. The war we put off today will be fought tomorrow

Therefore: Vote for President Bush

If the Iraqi War is just one of many reasons you won't be voting for the President, that's great. Tell me about it on your own blog. But if you'd like to vote for him but just can't because of the war, then tell me which of those 5 points you don't agree with. If you can convince me that any of them is false, I'll....OK, I won't vote for Kerry, but how 'bout I tell everyone how smart you are!

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