Let me be perfectly clear

I'm simply saying that too many people think the Federal Government is their daddy. If one brings up the subject of Selective Service or even the Military in general, you're side-stepping my point because one of the things that the Federal Government is supposed to do is provide a strong national defense. In the case of national emergency, like a war for instance, we would all be called upon to sacrifice some of our luxuries. And this notion of a Draft next year; it's a just a smoke screen. Liberal Democrats are the ones pushing it in Congress. The White House and the Pentagon have stated that there are presently no plans for such a thing. Please read this article to get some of the details. This rumor mongering fits their preferred world-view that the we're all going to hell and it's Bush's fault. However, if there were to be a Draft, and Emily had to take her physical tomorrow, I would wish her the best and see her off. Just like all of you would. Back to my point; I think it's a crime for a young person, at the peak of their life, to be under the impression that the Government owes them something. They don't owe you healthcare, they don't owe you prescription drugs, they don't owe you a job. Why anyone would trust them with any of those things is beyond me.

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