Why not us?

Curt Schilling, the great Boston Red Sox pitcher sported a t-shirt with these three words: "Why not us?" And, after winning game six to force a game seven when everyone thought they were out of it, we're all thinking, "no reason, really." Meanwhile the Cardinals now have to win both of the last two games back here in St. Louis. I knew the Astros were going to be trouble. We're keeping our fingers crossed for a Boston/St. Louis World Series. While being interviewed after tonight's game, Curt Schilling said something like, "In game I tried to do it myself and you see how that turned out. [they lost] Tonight, it was God. I had God with me." That reminded me of something that came up during Sunday School last Sunday. One of the guys is thinking of buying a hot-air balloon and take up the sport/hobby seriously. He mentioned that he was going to put in big letters on the balloon: "Jesus Saves." Someone else commented that he thought that trivialized God and Jesus. He threw in athletes always thanking God for them winning the game as another example of how we trivialize God. I know how both of them feel. Let me explain. You can't really trivialize God, but you could also spend all day thanking God for every single thing. You should strive for a worshipfull life; one in which you recognize and acknowledge all that God has given you. And it wouldn't hurt to thank Him every day; when you get up or when you eat. But what about thanking Him for a winning baseball game? Why not? He can handle it. He can handle our trivial problems as well as the big ones. I learned long ago not to refrain from asking God "stupid questions." In the end, it really doesn't matter what you ask, because all you really want is to do His will. The prayers are always framed in that manner. "If it is your will..." Most Christians I know would gladly do anything once convinced that it is indeed God's will. The challenge for most of us is listening to the answer. Let's say I pray, "God, if it's your will, get me this job." God could answer, "Yes," and you get your job. He could answer, "No," and you don't get it. He could also answer, "Would you quit bugging me about the job and pay attention!" Are you listening to the answer? that's the question.

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