Why not us?...say the Cardinals
Now it's the Cardinal's turn to ask, "Why not us?" They're down two games to zero as the Series heads to Busch Stadium for game 3 on Tuesday night. By the way, this is likely the last World Series game that Busch Stadium will see. The new Busch Stadium is being built right behind the old one. "But wait," you out-of-towners are thinking, "isn't Highway 40 right behind Busch Stadium?" Yes, it is. And if you're sitting in the top rows of the new ballpark you'll be able to wave to the cars as they drive by. In the picture from the link to the new stadium, that's Hwy 40 in the lower left corner. And another thing, does every single new building in downtown St. Louis have to have a red-brick facade? Don't get me wrong, I love the red-brick homes and old buildings...that's great; but the Edward Jones Dome and now the new Stadium?
I think Historical Preservations get hung up on what they perceive as a romantic past. Do they realize that craftsmen and artisans who built this stuff only used what was available to them for a fair price or what the market would bear? Preservation is a luxury, though. I guess if you can afford it, why not? There's always conflicts down here in Carondelet between the social service folks who want to rehab old places for low-income families to live and the preservationists who insist on restoring the original architecture, fixtures, etc. It all come down to money...who's got the money to do the rehabing that you want? Like I said, It's a luxury. Life goes on.