Election Wrap-up

With all states except Iowa in, the Electoral Count stands at Bush 279/Kerry 252. If Kerry were to win Iowa, my prediction would be exactly right. Presently, though, it looks like those 7 EVs will go to the President. Like many Americans, I feel relieved that the vote wasn't so close as to cause the legal wrangling that we all remember from 4 years ago. Obviously, I'm happy about the outcome. John Kerry should be proud of the people who came out to vote for him. There's a statistic flying around the air-waves and ethernet today about how Bush won more popular votes than any other president in history. This is true, but guess what, so did Kerry. The voter turnout was incredible, though the "young" voters did not come out enough to give Kerry the win. Likewise, Bush did not win a higher percentage of the African-American vote than he did 4 years ago. This is troubling and contrary to the predictions. All in all, it was good, clean fight. Both parties have a problem for 2008, and the time to start thinking about that is now.

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