Blog: Word of the year
Yes, that's right, according to Merriam-Webster, "Blog" is the word of the year. I can see that. I started blogging this year, my sister started blogging this year, by friend Tim who was already writing on-line everynight said, sure, it's a blog, whatever. They made the news with the Dan Rather thing and most recently with the Indian Ocean Tsunami tragedy, have shown how useful they can be to gather news.
For me it's been mostly a way to challenge myself to write a little on a regular basis (failing miserably on this lately!) and also a way to keep in contact with friends and family. They read mine, I read theirs, you know, warmth and closeness. I say something to my dad about my sister and he says, "you talked to her?" and I say, "no, I read it on her blog." He says, "huh?" Well, not anymore. He knows what a blog is now. Now that they've hit the big time.
Well, I can't say I'm too disappointed that the holidays are over. It was pretty much non-stop for us. Here it is in a nutshell: family, family, church, family, family, family, church; rest, family, church, church and then church. I'm going to try to get back on track writing again. See you tomorrow night.