The Apostle Paul turns to blogging
Would Paul have been a blogger. I feel sure he would have. Email, definitely. I've been reading, talking and thinking about him lately. I'm leading a group through Romans on Sunday morning and our Sunday night Bible Study is in the middle of a look at all of his letters. The Romans study is one I'd been through as a student some years ago and it had quite an impact on me. In those days, Bible study was new for me. I subsequently learned that I was not the first person that it had an impact on. Augustine, Martin Luther and John Wesley, to name a few, had life-changing experiences resulting from the book of Romans. Luther said, "...every Christian should know it word for word..." Well, I don't, as yet, know it word for word, but I do agree that it is "a miniature New Testament." It's all there, the whole Gospel. Written to "Greek" minds, that is, "intellectuals." And Luther's reading of 1:17...
For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."
This simple passage that we all take for granted now, was the beginning of the Reformation that so dramatically changed history. The righteousness is from God, not from us. We are not righteous. We are not right. Even church leaders, if you can believe it.