Motherboard Detachment
We spent a weekend separated from our Motherboard. It was hard. I felt so lost without her. I had to watch TV for the news on the Iraqi Elections and that was quite painful. I did ponder what life can be like apart from her though. I played more guitar and that was nice. I should play more guitar more often. Maybe I'll start a weaning program and try to cut down my time at her teat.
I couldn't write either. How strange to be cut off from a simple human endeavor like writing because of a piece of technology. Well, maybe not so strange; I'd need a pencil and paper at least, and those could be considered technology and easily unavailable too. Anyway, sorry for the lackluster entries over the past few weeks, I'll be making some regular postings now. There are several points I'd like to make concerning the elections in Iraq so...see you soon.