Trivia Night Blog Debut

I've started another Blog. This one is completely dedicated to Trivia. I love playing trivia almost as much as I hate bad trivia. So, in an effort to rid the world of stinky trivia, I'm devoting myself to preaching and teaching the difference between good and bad. I've toyed with the idea of writing some software to help me expedite matters if I were to offer my services as Trivia Master for hire, and I've begun work on that. This new blog will be a place for all things Trivia. I'll be asking questions for fun, I'll be looking for questions from readers, both for fun and possible additions to my software. If you haven't noticed, I've dropped away from writing here at this blog. Never fear, I will continue here, but it'll likely be in the online journal mode more often than not. If something strikes in the area of politics etc., you can be sure I'll comment. But, I like to read the news each night, and that usually takes me about an hour, and after that, I ususally am too tired to comment. Anyway, here's the address of the new blog: Check it out, let me know what you think. Send me some questions. You can use the comments to send me the questions. I'm going to use the Blogger comments for this one, so either sign up for a blog of your own, or check "other" when making your comments.

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