American Idol brings me out of hibernation

I followed American Idol this time around. I didn't get to see all of the episodes, I didn't try that hard, but if I was home, I'd watch it. It struck me as I was watching the very end, after Carrie had been "crowned," that it really was very much like the old Miss America Pageant. The suspense and the emotion are genuine because one of these young singers really is going to have their life changed with the decision. The emotion is an indulgence we allow ourselves because it's "just" entertainment; it's not really important. These kids just want to be singers and that's a good thing. Pure entertainment is a wonderful thing. Pop Music and Comedy does it for me and most of my entertainment intake is from those two areas. I have to confess though, I do watch some pretty inane TV sometimes. I like shows that have little or no substance whatsoever. I like shows where the good guys win and the bad guys lose. And, you know which is which throughout the whole show. No gray areas. I remember a show from a while back called "The Equalizer." It starred Edward Woodward as an ex-CIA-type who "equalized" bad situations. He wasn't paid, he would just sit and read the paper or watch the TV until some situation hit him. Then, he'd go beat up the bad guys. The first couple of seasons were great, there were no personal stories from his past, no love interests, no nothin'. I guess it didn't get the ratings the network needed and soon they began introducing gray areas and characters. I didn't like it after that and it didn't last long. I watch Las Vegas on Monday nights...there, I said it.

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