We really mean it this time

OK, now we're really moved out of Dover Place. It's a big event. We're really moved into our new place now. Of course, there's a new pile of boxes to deal with too. Our entire 2nd bedroom is filled with boxes of stuff that we didn't take the first time. Stuff we could probably live without. But, one of the boxes contains journals of mine that date back many years. Well back into my childhood. Back when my mind was sharp. After we get things situated here, I think I'll post some of them on the blog. I was reading through a bit of it the other night before we packed it up, and I was struck with the fact that everything was, of course, written long-hand in ink. Not unusual at all for that time, but strange now to look back on. I am also struck with how, even before converting to Christianity, I was interested in the spiritual side of existence. I wrote about it all the time, using ideas and concepts that are common place for me now, but then, I had no vernacular to use. I guess it comes down to this: I always assumed that there was a spiritual side of this existence. And, since my early Christian learning did not supply me with answers (methods, vernacular), I never thought orthodox Christian teachings had any value. I had to come about it the long way 'round. More on that some other time. And, aside from just learning about it, I've learned that I really enjoy talking and writing about it. I love to debate, argue and lecture any chance I get. That's why I enjoy teaching adult Sunday School on Sunday morning and that's why I'm going to go bed now. Goodnight.

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