A different kind of life

It’s been very different around here since Emily has gone. Annette and I are both prone to spontaneous crying; just for no reason, really. My emotions go from reminiscing over the little girl to praying that God will guide her in these turbulent years. If there’s one thing that I wish the most it would be that she learn to lean on God at this point in her life and not spend a lifetime figuring it out like yours truly. With that, all other things will come in their due time.

I apologize for not writing more often and also for this repetitive entry. I confess that it’s all I think about. I probably worry needlessly, I know. I think I’ll feel better when she’s past this first stage; when she gets in the groove, past the I-want-to-come-home phase. I hope everybody will write or email her. Please call or email me if you don’t have her addresses.

(I also know that it’s quite possible that I’m the one with the problem and she’s doing great and will continue to do great. So, write or email me!)

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