On our own

Well, Emily is safe and secure in her dorm room. Her roomate is a friend from high-school and her good friend Alex and his roomate (another Metro kid named John) are close by. When Alex came over to the girls room, for some reason I felt very comforted. I like Alex. He's an Eagle Scout, you know. We said our goodbyes rather quickly, which felt appropriate, and were on our way. Christians have a phrase to describe why Jesus came when he did which very much describes our feelings right now: The time had fully come. The time has fully come for this. I think Annette, Emily and I all feel this to be true. Sure, we have our moments of crying, but we know she's where she should be. It's been a whirlwind summer, and today was the zenith. Sleep tight big girl, our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

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