
Showing posts from September, 2005

Intelligently Designed Discussion

I see "Intelligent Design" theory has been in the news lately. (If you don't know what that is, here's a quick link for you.) A school teacher in my Sunday-school class asked my opinion as she was upset by all the hooplah. You see, she's a Christian, yet she believes evolution to be true and that it should be taught in biology class. I told her that I didn't personally take much stock in Intelligent Design theory, and that I didn't define it as science. It's a fine philosophy, one that I don't need a scientist to explain to me. I see intelligent design every time I open my eyes, but, that's just me. I do, however, support the dialogue that has ensued in the public arena. That's because, for too long, ( and as I've stated before ) the anti-religious people have gotten their way. I came across an article that, for the most part, says it the way I see it; except the author is an agnostic and I'm a Christian. But, we both believe there...

The last Post-season at Busch Memorial Stadium

I'm sitting here listening to the Cards/Cubs game and get this: The Cards are leading 6 to 1, there's 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth, bases loaded for the Cubs and the umpires called a rain delay. That's crazy. But, hey, this is a crazy year. It'll be the last year for Busch Memorial Stadium and everybody is hoping we'll see World Championship #10 played there. I'm not sure how the guy who's responsible for erecting the new stadium by next summer feels about it though. He'll implode the old stadium the minute the season is over which could be in October. Mike Shannon said something during the game tonight that struck me as true. He was commenting on how the Cardinals have played this entire season with intensity. He posited that it might be because of the bitterness "in their bellies" left from the World Series last year. I nodded toward the radio in agreement. "Yeah," I thought, "us too." We're ready for a real Wor...

Where to start?

Where to start There are a very few people in this world that can comprehend the magnitude of the catastrophe that is the flood of New Orleans. The mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana are not two of these people. Nor should they be. That would not be a reason they would or should be elected. It is not to their discredit that they were completely overwhelmed. Before I say anymore, allow me to break this issue down into the two natural components. The first is the Hurricane itself with the wind damage and the storm surge damage that has inflicted hell on most of the Gulf Coast. The second is, of course, the flood of New Orleans. Though the hurricane caused the flood, they must be looked at as two distinct events for any of this to make any sense. So, for example, if the flood doesn’t happen, you have the “normal” hurricane clean-up stories in the news. Major damage was none to Biloxi and Gulf Port and these are indeed worthy news stories, but not the kind of drama we saw ...