Intelligently Designed Discussion

I see "Intelligent Design" theory has been in the news lately. (If you don't know what that is, here's a quick link for you.) A school teacher in my Sunday-school class asked my opinion as she was upset by all the hooplah. You see, she's a Christian, yet she believes evolution to be true and that it should be taught in biology class. I told her that I didn't personally take much stock in Intelligent Design theory, and that I didn't define it as science. It's a fine philosophy, one that I don't need a scientist to explain to me. I see intelligent design every time I open my eyes, but, that's just me. I do, however, support the dialogue that has ensued in the public arena. That's because, for too long, (and as I've stated before) the anti-religious people have gotten their way. I came across an article that, for the most part, says it the way I see it; except the author is an agnostic and I'm a Christian. But, we both believe there's a middle ground to be had and for that, I commend him.
In the ongoing struggle between evolution and creationism, says philosopher of science Michael Ruse, Darwinians may be their own worst more

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