I miss Dover Place
Had a special request to write something tonight...so, I'll try. Writer's block? Nah, you'd have to be a writer to have that. Too busy? No more than usual. Nothing to say? Now, you may have something there.
If my writing cannot edify the reader, I'm not interested in taking the time. I've realized that I'm much more effective at this on a verbal plane; whether it be conversation, debate, lecture, even singing. One of the things I realized about moving away from Dover Place was that all the conversation with the gang out on the porch used to stimulate my writing. For example, after my last entry, Tim picked up on the subject and expounded on it in his blog. That, in turn, got me thinking about it even more, and typically I would have followed up the next night with another entry going further with my point. But, I didn't get to actually talk to him or anyone else about it, so it just kinda drifted away.
Edification? Entertainment? Amusement? All worthy goals. Poetry come to mind when I think of bringing all these together. I'm not very good at poetry. But I'm pretty good at teaching people about poetry and what it means. They usually don't know I'm talking about it, the word throws them. I typically leave out words like poetry, myth, metaphor, etc. You somehow have to teach people about the thing, using only words that point to the thing. Like a game, I guess. A game I'm interested in only if it can enlighten and improve your life.
OK, I admit, I'm having a blast with my i-tunes. I've got the craziest mix of music on this thing you've ever heard. Right after Allison Krauss comes Alice Cooper. By the way, did you know that Allison has 17 Grammy Awards?! That's gotta be a record of some sort. (Most by any female?)
I've got 3 guitar students each week, they keep me on my toes. Aside from that, a friend is learning the fiddle, so he wants to learn "Ashokan Farewell." (The Civil War song.) It's nice to just search for it on itunes, download it, and start listening to it; all within the space of a minute or two. How did I ever get along without it?